Robertson School of Arts, Robertson and Moss Vale Services Club, Moss Vale
29 April to 14 May 2022
Inspired by true events
Marks the amateur debut of the play
Performed at both Robertson School of Arts and Moss Vale Services Club due to the play's connection with Robertson and the on-going unavailability of the Mittagong Playhouse
Alexandra Room, Mittagong RSL, Mittagong and Moss Vale Services Club, Moss Vale
11-27 June 2021
With the Mittagong Playhouse still out of action, performances took place at The Mittagong RSL Alexandra Room (11th to 20th June) and Moss Vale Services Club Auditorium (25th June)
Disappointingly, the final three performances at Moss Vale Services Club (2pm/8pm 26th and 2pm 27th June) had to be cancelled due to the resurgence of COVID-19 and associated restrictions introduced by the NSW Government
Originally slated for our 2020 program, COVID-19 meant Nunsense had to be pushed into 2021. Featuring one of the longest rehearsal periods ever undertaken in an HTG production, Nunsense was enjoyed by a significant number of patrons and was a fantastic way to launch back into full scale musicals adhering to strict COVID-Safe measures!
Love Letters was the only production HTG were able to mount during 2020 due to the global COVID-19 pandemic. Adhering to strict COVID-safe measures, the production was enjoyed by a smaller than usual, but still enthusiastic audience.
As is commonly the case with professional seasons of this production, two separate groups were cast and performed alternate performances.