Operational Policies

The Highlands Theatre Group maintains several operational policies. These sit below our Constitution and aim to address specific areas of our operations, setting out responsibilities and expectations. 

Policies are reviewed every four years (post introduction) and updated where required. Updates may also occur at anytime with changes to Government Acts, Legislation or Operational Changes.

Errors or omissions can be addressed to admin@htg.org.au. If providing feedback, please ensure you include the Policy Title, Paragraph and Page Number. 

Please note: HTG is currently undertaking an overview and completion of new policies. As such, not all policies are available and non-sequential numbering may be observed. 



HTG01 - Production Audition/Casting Policy v2.0

Last review: March 2022 | Next Review: By AGM 2026

HTG02 – Amateur Status Policy (Not Currently Active)

(Not Currently Active)

HTG03 - HTG Schedule of Fees 2024 v1.0

Last review: November 2023 | Next Review: By First Committee Meeting – Committee 2025

HTG04 - Privacy Policy v1.0

Last review: June 2021 | Next Review: By AGM 2025

HTG05 – Production Operations Policy v1.0 (Not Currently Active)

(Not Currently Active)

HTG06 Child Protection Policy and Procedures v1.0

Last review: 4th June 2024 | Next Review: 4th June 2025

HTG07 – Videorecording Policy v1.0 (Not Currently Active)

(Not Currently Active)

HTG08 – Group Asset Loan Policy v1.0 (Not Currently Active)

(Not Currently Active)

HTG09 – Committee General Procedures Policy v1.0 (Not Currently Active)

(Not Currently Active)

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