In accordance with the Highlands Theatre Group Inc. constitution, the 2024 Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday, 3rd December, 2024.
Location: The Venue, Bowral, NSW
In addition to presentation of required reports, the 2025 Committee were appointed.
In accordance with the constitution, other reports are available to current members upon request and subject to an approval process through the Committee.
In accordance with the Highlands Theatre Group Inc. constitution, the 2023 Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday, 5th December, 2023.
Location: The Venue, Bowral, NSW
In addition to presentation of required reports, the 2024 Committee were appointed. This year was the first that an election was necessary with more candidates for Committee than available positions. This is seen as a sign that HTG is very healthy a with significant membership base and many seeking to serve the group as Committee members. HTG welcomes those elected to the 2024 Committee and thanks those outgoing members, acknowledging their contributions to the Committee.
Finally, long term member Bronwyn Miller was awarded Life Membership in recognition of her many years of service to the group both backstage and through administrative roles.
In accordance with the constitution, other reports are available to current members upon request and subject to an approval process through the Committee.
In accordance with the Highlands Theatre Group Inc. constitution, the 2022 Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday, 6th December, 2022.
Location: The Venue, Bowral, NSW
In addition to presentation of required reports, the 2023 Committee were appointed. HTG wishes to thank outgoing Committee Members Brian and Haydn for their contributions over the past few years. Both are remaining connected with the group through non-Committee roles.
It was pleasing to see many new members attending the AGM and taking a keen interest in the future of the group.
In accordance with the constitution, other reports are available to current members upon request and subject to an approval process through the Committee.
In accordance with the Highlands Theatre Group Inc. constitution, the 2021 Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday, 7th December, 2021.
Location: The Venue, Bowral, NSW
In addition to presentation of required reports, committee elections were also held with the 2022 Committee seeing some new eyes and some departures. HTG would like to thank outgoing members Janette Daly, Sue McDonald, Mark Davidson, Peach Robb for their contributions throughout 2021.
We look forward to continuing working with Mark, Sue and Peach in a non-committee capacity and wish Janette well now that she has departed the district.
Further Life Memberships were also awarded as part of the agenda acknowledging the years of hard work of a significant number of our members.
Finally, HTG is pleased to announce the passing of a new Constitution with more than the required 75% of Full Members voting in favour. The new Constitution should serve us, well into the future!
Despite the continuing impact of COVID-19, a strong turn out of both full members and associate members witnessed the occasion.
In accordance with the constitution, other reports are available to current members upon request and subject to an approval process through the Committee.
In accordance with the Highlands Theatre Group Inc. constitution, the 2020 Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday, 1st December, 2020.
Location: The Venue, Bowral, NSW
In addition to presentation of required reports, committee elections were also held with the 2021 Committee seeing significant strength and all positions filled.
The 2021 Committee also expressed thanks to outgoing Committee Members Ron Russell and Darrell Hope. Both will continue their work with HTG, but in a non-Committee capacity.
Life Memberships were also awarded as part of the agenda acknowledging the years of hard work of a significant number of our members. To view the list of Life Members, please click here.
Despite the impact of COVID-19, a strong turn out of both full members and associate members witnessed the occasion.
In accordance with the constitution, other reports are available to current members upon request and subject to an approval process through the Committee.
In accordance with the Highlands Theatre Group Inc. constitution, the 2019 Annual General Meeting was held on Tuesday, 3rd December, 2019.
Location: The Venue, Bowral, NSW
In addition to presentation of required reports, committee elections were also held with the 2020 Committee seeing significant strength and all positions filled.
It was extremely pleasing to see such a strong turn out of members and is a testament to the strength of HTG.